Candy Fun!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I have been doing several candy investigations and experiments with the kids lately. We are putting those Halloween leftovers to good use! It is amazing what you can do with a bag of skittles! :) I will be posting more about the experiments this week. Great activities that you can use for science and math!

Where does the time go?

     I have been so incredibly busy this school year! We have done every experiment or activity that I could find for pumpkins the last month. We even have our own pumpkin patch and they are growing! We cut the top off of our pumpkins and put soil in. A week later they sprouted and two weeks later, we dug our trench and everyone put their pumpkins in and covered them with soil. The students even hammered in stakes and roped their area off. We are fertilizing them with compost tea we made last year. We have pumpkin memories we will never forget and some we would like to (right, Mrs. Bowman?). These two pictures tell it the first photo, this student brought in the pumpkin size that she was told to bring in and that was stated on the note home. In the second picture, well, you always have at least one student and parent who defy all rules and requests! Yes, the pumpkin was so large, she said it was too heavy to carry to my lab, but she had no problem hurling into our sink/float station when our backs were turned. It sounded like Shamu was in the room! Everything and everyone was soaked at the surrounding area! :)

P.S. Do not forget the cyber Monday sale at TPT:
Cyber Monday
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